You’ve run the Niobrara! Now take on a real challenge. Try our RIVERBUSTER, 20-ounces of pure beef hamburger on the biggest bun we could find!

Turtle Butte Lodge Cuisine                                                                                            Cupcoffe.wmf (4336 bytes)

Placeset.wmf (6346 bytes)    Turtle Butte Lodge is becoming known for its outstanding cuisine.  Real favorites are game such as bison meat and pheasant.  Our growing menu features entrees ranging from sea food to that staple of the Sandhills in its many varieties, beef.   A lighter menu for the diet conscious is being developed.  Cappuccino and other beverages can be enjoyed al fresco on our balcony, or at an open air table.  We feature a complete children's menu.  Our "World's Smallest Pub" (Norfolk, NE Daily News, 30 July, 1998) is a cozy nook that, among other refreshments, features Nebraska wines.

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Please contact us for further information:

Turtle Butte Lodge

P.O. Box 342

Springview, NE 68778

Phone: (402) 497-4100

Fax: (402) 497-4101
